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Mouth Guard

Close up of a simple mouthguard being held up by an excited womanThere is nothing worse than not getting a good night's sleep. It is something that you will feel immediately once you wake up and, sadly, it is something you will feel for the rest of the day. Not sleeping well can be caused by multiple problems. However, one of the most common issues that causes a sleepless night is grinding your teeth. This can cause many problems for your oral and overall health. The trickiest part about grinding your teeth in your sleep, however, is that you often don't know you're doing it because you're fast asleep when it's happening.


However, you will feel it in the morning. You might wake up to a headache or pain in your jaw and neck. These could be signs of what is called bruxism, and most of the time known as teeth grinding. Your dentist is experienced in looking for symptoms of bruxism and will help to get the proper solution for your problem. One of the best solutions for bruxism is a night mouthguard to wear while you are asleep. This is proven to show that it will protect your mouth while sleeping when you grind or clench your jaw.

If you often wake up with pain, like headaches or possibly pain in your teeth or jaw, you will need to discuss with our dentist if you have bruxism so that we can get ahead of the problem. According to the American Academy of Oral Medicine or (AAOM), grinding of the teeth is common among both adults and children. Thus, if it's often enough to cause pain in your mouth, it might be time to talk to our experienced dentist.

How Nightguards Can Help

Nightguards might be called different things. They can be called occlusal guards, mouthguards, bite splints, or dental guards. They are similar to retainers as they are made of hard or soft plastic pieces that can cover either or both the bottom or top sets of teeth. Nightguards are very popular for treating bruxism. Nightguards help prevent the damage of clenching to keep the teeth from grinding together and preventing headaches, inflamed gums, or damaged teeth.

When you need a night mouthguard that will get the job done and will keep your teeth straight and healthy for the rest of your life, you need to come to see our team at Robert F. Walker Jr. DDS. We go to great lengths to make sure your mouthguard is the right fit for you and will get the job done.

How to Care For Your Mouthguard

It is the most optimal to insert the mouthguard just as you get into bed. You can remove it right after you wake up. If it feels uncomfortable at first, it will start feeling comfortable once you get used to it in about four to six weeks.

It is also recommended that you wash your mouthguard after each time it is used. Make sure to rinse your mouthguard with water or you can brush it with your regular toothpaste and toothbrush. Be careful to not leave the night guard in the sun or heated area because that will only damage the guard. Also, be careful to only use cold water because the plastic could also be damaged and no longer fit properly if it is too hot. Store your mouthguard in a clean closed container and check it regularly. If you find that your guard feels uncomfortable, it's probably time to replace it.

We Can Help with a Custom Fit Nightguard

Mouthguards are a great way to keep your teeth in the best shape possible, even if you are trying to grind them in your sleep. At Robert F. Walker Jr. DDS, we will create the perfect fitting guard for your mouth and your teeth. After a visit to our office, you will have a mouthguard that will do the job right and keep you feeling great every morning. Say goodbye to headache and jaw aches and hello to bright and shining mornings. Call us today at (480) 786-4000 when you are ready!

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Mouth Guard Chandler AZ | Protection for Teeth
Protect your teeth with custom mouth guards in Chandler, AZ. Ideal for sports and preventing teeth grinding damage.
Robert F Walker Jr. PC, 1120 South Dobson Rd. Suite # 105, Chandler, AZ 85286 / (480) 786-4000 / / 2/13/2025 / Page Phrases: dentist Chandler AZ /